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Kind of announcement: Account number of non-transferred proceeds
Subject identification: 1063245

Total number of corresponding auctions: 2
(18.09.2020 - 02.08.2024)

Auction 10967284
Auctioneer: OK dražebník a.s.
Date of auction: 14.02.2023  
Place of auction:
Current: No Date of publication: 02.08.2024
Item sold in auction: Domy - Rodinné domy
Auction 10964134
Auctioneer: OK dražebník a.s.
Date of auction: 08.09.2020  
Place of auction:
Current: No Date of publication: 18.09.2020
Item sold in auction: Byty - Byty
From reason regulation in the operational rule is this case inaccessible


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